Friends vs. Followers: A New Reality



07|12| 2024

"Your followers are the new currency of the digital age—invest in them wisely." – Brian Solis

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The Follower economics (Foll...
Dec 5 · Weekend Chronicle🦅
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Friends vs. Followers: A New Reality

In this second digital renaissance, let’s be clear: followers are often more valuable than friend requests.

While friends offer emotional support, followers provide tangible opportunities.

Think of followers as clients or business partners—they’re the ones driving your growth.

Friendships have their place, but followers are the fuel for progress.

Digital platforms prioritize follower engagement—both in quantity and quality—over likes or opinions from friends.

If you’re serious about building a livelihood in this space, it’s time to focus on your followers while maintaining sensitivity to the nuances of each relationship.

This is the reality of today’s world, and I’m sharing this because I know you care about this topic and aspire to live the good life.

I get it, you’re probably itching to rip this apart, but give me a moment, please.

Just yesterday, I had an epiphany about the true power of technology as a tool.

For the longest time, social media was merely that—just another platform to stay connected. But things have changed drastically since my last casual scroll.

I went from having zero followers and a handful of friends with endless friend requests to understanding the profound ripple effects followers can create.

It started with a simple fascination—an obsession, really—with the possibilities this tool offered. That curiosity drove me to build a vast network of digital real estate spanning the globe. To date, I’ve established over 33 internet communities, each thriving in its unique space.

Here are three of the most recent ones you might find interesting: swap | Melbourne

https://tools | Australia | australia

From the very beginning, I wanted to craft a life doing what I love—free from the chains of the traditional grind. This aspiration led me to experiment with Drop shipping, e-commerce, YouTube, and more. I failed many times, but those failures ultimately paved the way to success.

A brief breakthrough came when I revamped my e-commerce strategy, leveraging the network effect.


Then I asked myself a critical question: If you haven’t yet created a product you’d like to see in the world, why not start by building people up?

That shift in mindset transformed everything.

It became the foundation for my community-building efforts, which have grown far beyond what I initially imagined.

Along the way, I started sharing my struggles, temptations, and triumphs in bite-sized, educational content. It turned into a form of modern-day schooling—a way to thrive in the digital renaissance.

After two years of persistent effort, I’ve solved one of the most challenging puzzles in my journey. Now, people eagerly exchange their email addresses with me in return for the value I provide. Easy as.

Definitely! The beauty of these communities is that I can share anything and refine as I go.

Coming up next week, I’ll focus on tools that can generate $3K with hardly any effort. Tested and trusted—Spotify is a goldmine waiting to be explored. I’ll share all the tips and tactics you need to get started.

Thank you for reading my letters.

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Pass this along to a friend or follower—it could be just what they’re looking for.

Until next week,
— Destiny

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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